Baby Builders

  • Read the title on the cover of the book. Name and point to each picture.
  • Read the book to your child and describe what you see on each page.

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Baby Builders Cover
Activity Icon Let's Snack Together

Let's Snack Together

Graham Cracker Snack

What You Need:

  • Graham Crackers
  • Cake Icing

Baby Builders Snack Ingredients

Baby Builders Snack
Activity Icon Let's Sing Together

Let's Sing Together

Johnny Works With One Hammer

Johnny works with one hammer, one hammer, one hammer,
Johnny works with one hammer, then he works with two.

Johnny works with two hammers, two hammers, two hammers,
Johnny works with two hammers, then he works with three.

Johnny works with three hammers, three hammers, three hammers,
Johnny works with three hammers, then he works with four.

Johnny works with four hammers, four hammers, four hammers,
Johnny works with four hammers, then he works with five.

Johnny works with five hammers, five hammers, five hammers,
Johnny works with five hammers, then he goes to sleep.

Activity Icon Let's Craft Together

Let's Craft Together

Baby Builders Craft

Let’s Build!

Materials Needed:

  • Red, Purple, Blue, Yellow and Orange construction paper
  • Glue
  • Safety Scissors


  1. Cut a rectangle shape out of the red construction paper.
  2. Cut 4 small rectangle shapes out of the purple construction paper and paste them on the red construction paper for the windows.
  3. Cut a triangle out of the blue construction paper and paste it on the red rectangle shape for the roof of the house.
  4. Cut a square out of the yellow construction paper and paste it on the red construction paper for the door.
  5. Cut a circle out of the orange construction paper and paste it on the yellow construction paper for the doorknob.