Llama Llama Gram and Grandpa

  • Read the title on the cover of the book. Name and point to each picture.
  • Read the book to your child and describe what you see on each page.

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Llama Llama Gram and Grandpa Cover
Activity Icon Let's Snack Together

Let's Snack Together

Apple and Peanut Butter

What You Need:

  • Apple
  • Peanut Butter

*** Please do not make if anyone has any peanut butter allergies***


  1. Cut the apple in the shape of a circle
  2. Spread peanut butter on top of the apple slices
Llama Llama Gram and Grandpa Snack
Activity Icon Let's Sing Together

Let's Sing Together

This Old Man

This old man, he played one, he played nick-nack on my thumb.
Nick-nack, paddy whack, give a dog a bone.
This old man came rolling home.

Additional Verses- This Old Man

Two—on my shoe
Three—on my knee
Four—on my door
Five—on my hive
Six—on my sticks
Seven —up in heaven
Eight—on my plate
Nine—on my spine
This Old Man, he played ten, sounds so good let’s do it again.

Activity Icon Let's Fingerplay Together

Let's Fingerplay Together

Clap Your Hands

Clap, clap, clap your hands,
Clap your hands together.
Snap, snap, snap your fingers,
Snap your fingers together.

Grandpa’s Glasses

Here are Grandpa’s glasses
(Make small circles with fists)

And here is Grandpa’s hat
(Put hands together to form point over head)

And this is the way he folds his hands
(Fold arms strongly)

Just like that!
(Sit proudly, arms folded across chest)

Activity Icon Let's Craft & Play Together

Let's Craft & Play Together

Llama Llama Gram and Grandpa Craft

Materials Needed:

  • Washable Paint (Any Color)
  • Construction Paper (Any Color)
  • Marker Paint Brush


  1. Paint or dip child’s hand in the paint.
  2. Place the painted hand around the construction paper.
  3. Use the marker to record the child’s thoughts to Grandpa.